Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Props and Costume
- Charity shops
- Borrow from extra's cast
- Cheap clothes stores
Dave, Gary, and Extras.

Eyeliner pencil for body art. This is to create the swirling patterns that run up the Angel and Devil's arms.

Sunday, 17 January 2010
Possible Locations

This small room is useful for filming CU and ECU shots as less of the set is seen. The enclosed space with the setting boards will create a feeling of claustrophobia that could mimic the panic in the character Dave.
Setting boards could create a corridor and with lighting equipment, it could mimic the entrance to an underground poker room. The lighting would be used to produce the feeling of obscurity.
The round tables in the sixth form common room are ideal for the poker table as a real one is not accessible.
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
Draft Storyboard
(Read top row, then go back to left of row beneath) CLICK TO ENLARGE

Ideas for DVD extras...
- Video Diary of group meetings, ideas, and "The making of..." our project.
- Blooper reel! Also show how the serious problems during filming were resolved.
- Interviews from those in the group to talk about progress, opinions, the general project.
- Recordings of feedback from friends, family, cast extras that have seen the finished (or unfinished) project. Feedback during the filming would be good to find faults and improvements.
Film Opening Project Proposal Form
Names of Students Involved and Roles Allocated:
Jack Blinman – Director, Cameraman, DEALER.
Matt Laverack – Editor, Cameraman, DAVE.
Jemma Rowlston – Writer, Cameraman, ANGEL.
Sonia Wan – Props & Costume, Cameraman, DEVIL.
(Editorial tasks are also shared out)
Estimated Time Allocated to Production: 1 week 3 days
Dates of Production: N/A
Estimated Time Allocated to Post Production: 2 weeks 2 days
Dates of Post Production: N/A
Brief Synopsis of Project:
(Dave has a brain tumour. The audience is not told this, but it is represented in the throbbing pain in his head, shown via acting and sound effects as well as the hallucinations in form of an Angel and Devil.)
We find Dave playing a high stakes underground poker game with an array of players. The opening begins with a black screen, then sound bridges poker chips and background music into several extreme close ups of Dave and the poker players. The scene is set at the end of the movie, and acts as a prequel. Here Dave is about to lose the game with his life in the pot. You see his hallucinations briefly before he loses. After this the titles come in with sliding card tricks and simple fade in title fonts.
Equipment Required and Dates required.
(Dates N/A at the moment)
Editing MAC
Locations: Drama 1 room (and all the lighting equipment in it.)
Costume and Props:
Poker Set
Poker Table
Cowboy Hat
Drinking Glasses
Character Costume – jewellery, black tank top, casual clothing (refer to character brief).
Angel and Devil make up set – Eye shadows, red lipstick, glittery black, red, silver, baby blue eye pencil.
Casting (including extras)
Dave – Matt Laverack
Dealer – Jack Blinman
Angel – Jemma Rowlston
Devil – Sonia Wan
Luke – Luke Goodliffe
Holly – Kathryn Thomas or Jodie Glassenbury or Sarah Owen UNDECIDED
Gary – Alex Greenwood (unconfirmed)
Leo – Alex Gray (uncomfirmed)
Further comments:
Extra lighting may be needed, however unconfirmed. There will also need to be decisions made on how the spotlighting will be directed.
"Action + stupidity = Decent!"
Character briefs
Gary: The “cocky-twat”. He and Dave eventually have the last game. He is confident of winning, and has a substantial amount of money. He wears a cowboy hat and open-collared shirt. Most likely has facial hair and does the eyebrow-lift often.
Luke: Little to know about him. Casual wear.
Holly: The “Rich girl with too much time”. She is from a middle/high class family and monitored a lot by parents as a child so rebels as she grows up. She has a lot of money so is not afraid of losing. Wears pearls, dresses, cardigan, and (preferable) has curled hair – obvious “rich girl” look.
Leo: The “Buff-Big man”. Says little, but shows a lot of confident expressions and occasional smirks. Possibly wears shades, gold chains, skin-head, black tank top etc.
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
More Possible Plot Lines
Friday, 1 January 2010
Research Points
Poker/Casino film conventions
- Camera shots: The types and pace of them.
- Editing: Fast cuts and use of transitions.
- Sound: Types of music used for different scenes. E.g. Modern, jazz, slow and rythmic beats for tension.
- Mise-en-scene: Lighting of the set, costumes for underground poker (not the posh James Bond kind :P), style and tone of langauge used.
Poker/Casino related films to analyse
'21' (2008): stylised filming of Blackjack that creates a pacey and more tense atmosphere to the film. Extreme and tight close shots are relevant and inspiring.
'High Stakes Poker' - real game play:
'Rounders' (1998) - style is slower, close ups on expressions relevant:
Lock. Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
Casino Royal
Texas Hold 'em Rules and Hands:
Film Opening Intro
The task is to create a the titles and opening of a new fiction film, to last a mazimum of two minutes.
All video and audio material must be original, produced by candidate(s), with the exception of music or audio effects from a copyright-free source.
Group work is limited to a maximum of four candidates.
My group also includes Jemma Rowlston, Jack Blinman, and Matt Laverack.
Initial Ideas
Genre: Mystery, Action, Casino, Comedy.
Possible Plot(s):
- A man has become obsessed with gambling somehow and ends up in an underground game of poker, with high stakes.
- The man may hallucinate - possibly have a brain tumour or aneurysms.
- Dramatic effect - Angel and Devil to represent conflicting consciousness.
Camera angles/shot ideas:
- Start titles with tight close ups on cards sliding onto table - different cards tricks with each title.
- Strong use of charatcer narration - husky voice!
- Narrator could call out the cards to make the game clearly to those who do not play poker.
- If using Angel and Devil idea - characters blend in from darkness. Panning shot of players at table. Second panning shot with angel and devil suddenly draped around the protagonist.
Characters and Costume
- Protagonist has an "ordinary bloke stuck in an abnormal and unwanted situation" kind of aura. Perhaps a kind of pathetic person that audeince can either sympathise or hate.
- The representation of consciences - Angel vs Devil or Dark character vs White. Costumes primarily of make up rather than props. Angel could be a wise, elderly man dressed in white and the devil could be a young child dressed in black. Or they could be represented by plain red/silver, black/white masks and the nature of these characters are shown solely through positioning and the tone of voice.