Tuesday 12 January 2010

More Possible Plot Lines

Main character - Dave.
Theme - Getting involved in a high stakes Poker Game

Dave was introduced to poker by a friend ages 16. He fell in love with the game but never played it till later on in his life. This leads to a gambling problem and this last game that had his life in the pot. This plot is shot with mostly flashbacks of his life rather than the actual game.
Dave is an average guy who hears about the game. His drink gets spiked and he starts seeing hallucinations. There is a big pot, and the other players are working together to get him. He realises this and has to win the pot. This plot is shot with great emphasis on Dave's dizziness and hallucinations, and how the game is almost suffocating.
Dave has no friends or family members to rely on. He finds out he has a brain tumour and needs a way to pay for the operation. He's not that smart - choses poker as his only finance. With great confidence, he begins but this dwindles and eventually leads to the game of his life. This plot is shot with focus on the game and the player's reactions; tight extreme close ups, voiceover narrations, pacey music to make the poker game more interesting.

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and become an evil mastermind too!