Gamblers are represented in different ways. As our film does not centre on posh Casino gambling, there are no men in suits or tuxedos. Each character has its own personality and background reflected in their clothing and positioning.

The way each player walks into set at different times but arrive at the table at the same time shows that they a essentially different, but once they are gambling they are all the same. This represents underground gamblers are very different to those in Casino Royale type of play grounds – class and status does not matter to these people.
(Refer to Gary - Left, and Dave - Right) This Establishing shot appears after Holly and Luke fold - making it clear who is left in the game.

(Refer to Gary - Left, and Dave - Right) This Establishing shot appears after Holly and Luke fold - making it clear who is left in the game.

There is always an experienced gambler. In Poker’s Advocate this is Gary. His leather jacket reflects his smooth and almost criminal personality and the cowboy hat shows his slight sense of humour.
The protagonist does not dress classy or fashionably and even his casual is below average casual. He wears an olive-green-brown coloured fleece jacket, t-shirt, and short cropped hair. (I would have liked Dave to have a beard or stubble to give him a rougher look, and to represent age but this wasn’t realistic in our time scale) This represents the downtrodden and almost weak gamblers in the society portrayed in this film. Dave is part of the group of people who don’t gamble for fun or leisure, but for the cold, hard, cash. Be it to fuel their drug or drinking habits, or to pay a debt. It could be argued that he is the stereotypical underground gambler. The audience is expected to either pity this character or be in awe at his stupidity.

The protagonist does not dress classy or fashionably and even his casual is below average casual. He wears an olive-green-brown coloured fleece jacket, t-shirt, and short cropped hair. (I would have liked Dave to have a beard or stubble to give him a rougher look, and to represent age but this wasn’t realistic in our time scale) This represents the downtrodden and almost weak gamblers in the society portrayed in this film. Dave is part of the group of people who don’t gamble for fun or leisure, but for the cold, hard, cash. Be it to fuel their drug or drinking habits, or to pay a debt. It could be argued that he is the stereotypical underground gambler. The audience is expected to either pity this character or be in awe at his stupidity.

Rich people are presented differently in PA. It would be assumed that they don’t take part in underground gambling, but the character Holly is rich. This is shown through her dress, glittery scarf, combed hair, and pearl necklace. She is a neutral character, and does not seem to have a large part in the film. However her high class status implies that even those higher up are not clean. They are aware and involved in what goes beneath their society and might even control it with the correct power.
The representation of age is a problem as our actors/extras were not the actual age they were meant to be in the script. The age range of PA is late 20s to late 40s. This was something that could not be changed unless we got older actors.
All of the characters are Caucasian. This was unintended and if made into a real film PA might have different ethnicities to expand on the representation of underground gamblers.
Overall the main social group is underground gamblers and the diversity within them. The representation of them could be argued as both negative and positive, as it shows the darker and unbeneficial side to gambling but also creates a sense of freedom and edgy lifestyle.
The representation of age is a problem as our actors/extras were not the actual age they were meant to be in the script. The age range of PA is late 20s to late 40s. This was something that could not be changed unless we got older actors.
All of the characters are Caucasian. This was unintended and if made into a real film PA might have different ethnicities to expand on the representation of underground gamblers.
Overall the main social group is underground gamblers and the diversity within them. The representation of them could be argued as both negative and positive, as it shows the darker and unbeneficial side to gambling but also creates a sense of freedom and edgy lifestyle.
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and become an evil mastermind too!