Working with Poker’s Advocate has taught me the importance of lighting and how different moods can be created from it. I know the health and safety issues of using the Redheads and Boom mic, as well as setting them up correctly and placing the correct equipment in each box and setting during packing up. For example, when filming with dialogue, to capture a clear crisp sound, the tip of the mic should be pointed towards the speaker. To create different tones of light and shadow, opening/closing the “barn doors” of the Redheads intensifies/spreads out the light.
For example, the lighting of the character Luke – an LED light was used to illuminate the side of face and the Aviators. The bandoliers on the backlight was kept open but dimmed down so that a faint halo like glow illuminated the outline of his head.

Whilst using professional equipment (supplied by Jemma’s dad) I learnt how to hold a large camera steady and all its setting; shutter speed, grains to make certain effect (ghosting).

iMovie (Editing)
Compared to the Preliminary task, my skills on iMovie have improved a lot. Importing is easy now and I am familiar with what the different effects and options do. However my skills of working with shuffling sound bars may need some work.
I can take screen shots and apply them not iMovie as well as placing effects on them. This, unfortunately, reshuffles the sound therefore you have to place them back – which can prove difficult. During the editing of PA, I found that some effects won’t go on unless the actual product is longer than 6 minutes. This is troublesome when a film opening is only 2 minutes long. Taking plain stills and placing them at the end of the timeline extends the length of the product, and by putting transitions then effectively tricks iMovie. These stills can be deleted at the end. I did this with the pre-title credits and the titles at the end.
Compared to the Preliminary task, my skills on iMovie have improved a lot. Importing is easy now and I am familiar with what the different effects and options do. However my skills of working with shuffling sound bars may need some work.
I can take screen shots and apply them not iMovie as well as placing effects on them. This, unfortunately, reshuffles the sound therefore you have to place them back – which can prove difficult. During the editing of PA, I found that some effects won’t go on unless the actual product is longer than 6 minutes. This is troublesome when a film opening is only 2 minutes long. Taking plain stills and placing them at the end of the timeline extends the length of the product, and by putting transitions then effectively tricks iMovie. These stills can be deleted at the end. I did this with the pre-title credits and the titles at the end.

For research and planning I found the following sites useful.
Movie directors and production companies:
Movie soundtracks for reference:
Film opening clips, in particular gambling ones:
iMovie help:
Clips from films such as ‘Lock. Stock and Two Smoking Barrels’ was really helpful when looking for gambling film conventions and camera shots/angles used in them. Also after researching different films, IMDB proved very useful for finding suitable production companies and directors who have a certain style when it came to Casino films, as the Casino life itself has created a genre of its own due to conventional styles in them.
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